
5 Quick And Easy Ways To Speed Up Your Metabolism

Metabolism is the process by which your body converts food into energy. If your body is not converting the food into energy, it is storing it as fat. Storing too much fat will eventually lead to obesity. It is therefore more desirable to be converting the food to energy than storing it as fat. Having a high Metabolism means that the body is converting a lot of the food to energy and vice versa.  However, not everybody that is overweight has low metabolic rates, and not everyone that is underweight have high metabolic rates. This is so because there are different factors that affect your metabolism. These not only include the amount of calories you consume, but also your age, sex and physical activity. Here are 5 Quick and Easy Ways to Speed up Your Metabolism:

  • Aerobic Exercise – Though this may not help you to build big muscles, it can boost your metabolism after each workout. The key is to PUSH yourself. Short bursts of energy such as a quick sprint or jogging during a regular walk might seem “insignificant” but the effects will show up in the hours after the workout. For more on exercise click here


  • Snack Smart – Consuming small snacks or small meals every few hours, has been proven to increase your metabolism. Instead of going for just three large meals, try having a light snack in between those meals and help to speed up your metabolism. For more on eating click here


  • The bigger the muscle, the bigger the burn! – Activating the muscles of the body will increase your metabolism. The more muscles activated, the higher the increase of your metabolism. Swimming is a great example! For more on exercise click here


  • Black Coffee – Drinking coffee in moderation can increase your metabolism for short periods. For more on eating click here


  • Lean Protein – Replacing some of your daily carbs and fats with lean protein can also increase your metabolism at meal time. For more on eating click here

This article isn’t medical advice nor should it be interpreted or substituted as medical advice. This article is for informational purposes only. Prior to making changes to your physical exercise routine and your diet, you should always consult your personal physician. It is much better to be safe than sorry.

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Renae Johnson
Renae Johnson
July 19, 2018 12:02 PM

Thank you for sharing. This is information i need right now.